Christopher Columbus
The Age of Discovery or Age of Exploration was a period from the early 15th century that continued into the early 17th century, during which European ships travelled around the world to search for new trading routes and partners. The Age of Discovery marked the beginning of globalisation.
The Explorer Spirit in Childcare
Christopher Columbus room is named after the Italian explorer and navigator. In 1492, he sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain in the Santa Maria, alongside the ships Pinta and the Niña, in search of a new route to India. On the 12th October, 1492, after 36 days of sailing westward across the Atlantic, Christopher Columbus and several crewmen set foot on an island- known today as the Bahamas. He completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, leading the way for European exploration and colonization of the Americas. His arrival date is celebrated annually in the Americas on October 12 and it is know as Columbus Day. We encourage environmental responsibility

Discovery Rooms
Our rooms are beautifully designed and equipped with the right tools for a range of fun activities that embed important lessons.
- Different seating arrangements so children can collaborate
- Themed areas around core subjects
- Layouts that promote free exploration
- Rooms are designed the same way in every childcare centre
- Muted colours don’t overwhelm children
- Everything is child sized and in easy reach
- Rooms are minimalist and organised
Our Montessori inspired discovery rooms are provided at all of our childcare centres including:-
Discovery Bay ELC – Leaders in Early Learning and Child Care Centres
Discovery Bay Early Learning Centres have been created to give your children a wide range of learning experiences. This early learning experience is delivered in the safest of learning environments. Discovery Bay offers nutritionally balanced meals to all toddlers and pre-school children that are in our care. We follow Australian nutritional guidelines to support your child. All the Discovery Bay ELC centres exceed the National Quality Standards for early childhood education. Our childcare centres meet the requirements under the State Specific EYLDF . This includes the learning frameworks that support early childhood educators and promotes children’s learning.