Our locations
Guided play to help young ones make new
discoveries and form new neural pathways.
Building a solid foundation for your child’s
seamless transition into school.
The Discovery Bay difference
We’re one of the first early childcare centres to bring STEM subjects into early learning.
Helping every child find their unique path to their best potential.
Every child is different. So why would we treat their early learning as a one-size-fits-all?
We take the time to get to know your child, and tailor our approach to meet them where they’re at.
Discovery spaces
Safety and Quality
Montessori + STEM curriculum
Latest news
Discovery Bay ELC delivers an expanded early learning program that incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering, and [...]
At Discovery Bay ELC, we give pre-school kids a better head start! Discovery Bay [...]
Discovery Bay ELC believe that child safety is paramount in safeguarding the well-being and [...]

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which our centres are situated.
We also pay our respects to their respective Elders, past and present, and the Aboriginal Elders of other communities who may still reside in these areas today.