Bartolomeu Dias
Bartolomeau Dias Room is named after the Portuguese explorer.
The Age of Discovery or Age of Exploration was a period from the early 15th century that continued into the early 17th century, during which European ships travelled around the world to search for new trading routes and partners. The Age of Discovery marked the beginning of globalisation.
Discovery Rooms
Our rooms are beautifully designed and equipped with the right tools for a range of fun activities that embed important lessons.
- Different seating arrangements so children can collaborate
- Themed areas around core subjects
- Layouts that promote free exploration
- Rooms are designed the same way in every childcare centre
- Muted colours don’t overwhelm children
- Everything is child sized and in easy reach
- Rooms are minimalist and organised
Bartolomeu Dias was a Portuguese navigator and explorer who led the first European expedition round the Cape of Good Hope in 1488. This is the most Southern tip of Africa. The coast of Africa often had terrible storms which deterred other explorers from navigating it. With his success he proved that a sea trading route from Europe to Asia was possible. Dias became an advisor to Vasco da Gama who was successful in his journey to discover a direct sea route between Europe and India.